Monday, April 25, 2011

Decorator's Show House

O'Neil Tents had the pleasure to set up tenting for the Decorators Show House, an event benefitting the Columbus Museum of Art. This job features a 30x45, a 20x20, an 8x8, and a 15x15 frame tent lashed together on an odd shaped drive way to create the maxium amount of usable event space. This special event also features a pretty special 33x33 clear span structure. The structure was built on biljax stage to level out the sloping yard between landscaping beds and carpeted to help aid in the finished feel of the structure. Please see our facebook page for the images of the event.


Portable Garage said...

I really appreciate you for all the valuable information that you are providing us through your blog.

O'Neil Tents said...

Thank you for the comment! I hope you keep coming back!