Friday, August 13, 2010

Know where you came from.

Every week, the administrative team at O'Neil has a staff meeting during lunch to discuss upcoming jobs, challenges we might face, or new opportunities that we are working on. This week,  Marianne Ritchey, one of the original owners of O'Neil Tents, stopped in.

As we sat and discussed business, I couldn't help but think about the great start Marianne and her husband Jim gave O'Neil when they took over operations. Jim (called doc by just about everyone) and Marianne first became involved with the company as an investment, but later assumed control of operations when they realized the potential of the tent rental industry.

Early on, the company consisted of a small office in front of a 2,000 square feet of warehouse space. With a focus on festivals and fairs, O'Neil quickly earned our name as an up and coming player in the rental market. Over the years, O'Neil has built our reputation as a top event rental provider as well as our physical footprint. We now operate out of 5 warehouses in Canal Winchester with an onsite manufacturing facility.

I am the third generation in the Ritchey family to work for O'Neil Tents. While it is exciting to look towards the future of the company and all of the opportunities on the horizon. It is important for me to not forget where the business came from: Two people who wanted to provide high quality products and service to their customers.

While technology may change our equipment and how the company operates, the hall marks of quality products and services will always be the cornerstone of our operation.

- Mark Ritchey, Sales and Marketing Manager

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