Tuesday, March 13, 2012

IFAI Tent Rental Division - Expo Follow up

For those IFAI - TRD members who weren't able to attend the meeting in Vegas, you missed out on an exceptional learning experience and an all around great time with peers and leaders in our industry.

The conference started on Sunday with the Golf scramble. My foursome didn't win but we finished pretty respectably for a group without an NCAA golfer on our team. Overall, it was a great opportunity to have fun with friends old and new.

Monday was the first day of meetings. The topics covered were great. Several members put on a panel of what to do when an emergency occurs at an event, how to prepare for emergencies and how to speak with the media after catastrophe. The board brought in speakers that talked about the best way to hire and retain good employees, as well as (my personal highlight of the day) a sales strategist. The strategist/mentalist covered a wide range of topics from personal interactions to how the words you choose to use can make or break sales. VERY informational.

The highlight of the meeting was the presentation of the initial results from the ballasting study from the Clemson University staff. I will not say too much about the study as it is yet to be completed other than this: This study will absolutely revolutionize the way our industry ballasts tents and structures in the near future.

I am proud to be a part of a professional organization that is so forward thinking. Being on the leading edge of the industry is an interesting place to be. We all saw how well received the staking survey was. I believe that the ballasting study will be of even greater importance.