Often times, companies will push customers into certain products due to what they have in stock. While this makes some sense, in the fact that you can't sell what you don't have. It's not right for the customer. Customers should buy (or in our case rent) what they need, not what we have.
Talking a customer into a certain product because its the only one you have is wrong. Leading the customer to believe that they are getting exactly what they need, then delivering a product that does not meet expectations is dishonest.
For example, Mrs. Smith asks for a quote on her daughter's upcoming wedding reception. She tells me the number of expected guests, the details of how the event should be laid out and what style of tent she is looking for. I take all of those important details and tailor a solution customized to her needs.
Everything should be spaced appropriately so they don't run into a situation where Uncle Jim and Aunt Marianne aren't eating dinner on the dance floor. There will also be more than a half of a foot between the buffet and the edge of the tent to allow for traffic to flow through easily.
After laying out all of the appropriate space requirements on my CAD software, I then choose an appropriate tent size, not the other way around. I would never say, "The largest tent I have is 40'x60'. Now let's figure out how to cram everyone in." Sometimes, this means that the reception will cost a little more, but as they say, you pay for what you get.
Over the years, O'Neil Tents has been able to build our tent and rental inventory to include almost any possible tent size. This means that we don't have to push you into something because its the only one we have. We can look at what works best for you and your event and plan accordingly.
Customers: If you don't choose to rent with O'Neil, make sure you end up with what works best for you not what works best for the rental company.